How my journey began

WanderWell’s CEO ‘JOE BLOGGS’, ventured to Central America in August 2023. He encountered a medical scare, whilst only being partly vaccinated for Rabies, a stray Guatemalan street dog bit him. Rushing to a hospital, in the very early hours of the morning, where the doctors and nurses spoke no English and he spoke no Spanish. After acting out what had happened, he was administered a Rabies vaccination. £500, five doctors and over a week of stress, he was deemed medically healthy.

Local doctors and doctors back home in England gave contrasting advice, leading to countless weeks of worrying even after returning to the UK. This was partly because no travel health apps on the market give instant, clear, medical advice on zoonotic diseases abroad.

This led to the formation of WanderWell, the company responsible for creating the TRaVELi travel health app and website platforms that provide comprehensive and conclusive medical guides abroad.

What People Are Saying

Grants Awarded:

University of Birmingham’s £500 ‘Ideas Fund’

More to come in 2025…

Protecting you in every climate and corner.

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